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Key achievements and updates over the past twelve months include the expansion of the My Candidate platform and the successful use of The Answers Platform (TAP) to improve civic engagement. Significant progress was made in improving data access in Africa through the Africa Data Hub, and the deployment of Dexter 2.0 is set for May 2024. The Urban Resilience programme has made significant progress in institutionalising a data-driven culture in African cities, and ownership of the South African Cities Network portal was successfully transferred in June 2023. Each is expanded on in the tiles below:

Overview of key projects

Outside of project-specific developments, this grant period saw major investment in relationship-building and brand awareness specifically through events. Many new relationships and opportunities were borne out of the team showcasing our work at key conferences and events, including MozFest (Amsterdam), Africa Media Festival (Nairobi), Civic Tech Innovation Festival (Johannesburg), Africa Smart and Sustainable Cities Investment Summit (ASCIS) (Kigali), West African Journalism Innovation Conference (Abuja), OGP Global Summit (Estonia), RightsCon (Costa Rica) and Code4America Summit (Washington D.C.). This year we also officially partnered with the likes of African Investigative Journalism Conference 2023 (Johannesburg) and DataFest Africa 2023 (Kampala and Nairobi).

Ella Alcock at Mozfest House in Amsterdam presenting our fashion designs where the material shows rates of gender-based violence in Africa. See the detailed blog post here.

Ella Alcock at Mozfest House in Amsterdam presenting our fashion designs where the material shows rates of gender-based violence in Africa. See the detailed blog post here.

Ayanda Mhlanga and Thandi Bhengu presenting a workshop at Civic Tech Innovation Festival (CTIF) at the end of 2023. The masterclass aimed to help users create their own datasets.

Ayanda Mhlanga and Thandi Bhengu presenting a workshop at Civic Tech Innovation Festival (CTIF) at the end of 2023. The masterclass aimed to help users create their own datasets.